menstruation icon

Shethrive Foundation

Change is on the rise!

Dried and Pressed Leaf
Modern Simple Minimalist Frames

Sponsor ​Today

menstruation icon

The journey to change the ​world starts with one person.

Menstrual pads per pack, in India, cost 3 times more ​than an average meal for people who earn less than ​5000 rupees i.e. roughly 80 dollars a month. Most ​women cannot afford to buy healthy menstrual pads or ​are resistant to changing the ways and use rags, leaves ​or cotton. Around 23% of girls have to drop out of ​school and only 36% of the total women population ​uses menstrual pads.

Shethrive is an organization that was started to give ​women and young girls, a chance to learn how to sew ​and to educate them on how to sew period underwear ​at home to create more understanding and acceptance ​of period health while learning a skill to support ​themselves and create businesses of their own.

Editorial Sketch Panties with Blood Stain

Meet the partners who help us ​transform lives

Businesses and fellow foundations have given their time and support to help ​us make a difference in young wo​men’s lives.

menstruation icon
Abstract Geometric Shape Pattern

Rotary (RID 3011)

Women's health logo